Ladies and gentlemen, I posted this video to let you know that we are now capable of achieving great things especially in the field of science and technology and also other fields (but this post is more focused on the field of technology) including this new invention. This talk by Tan Le shows that ordinary gadgets can be upgraded into a more exciting, helpful, fascinating, and futuristic things capable of helping us out with our daily tasks. In this video, you can see that Tan Le is endorsing a new kind of headset (a kind that is so rare that this gadget may not be yet released in the market). This is a headset that is capable of reading people’s emotions, body language, minds and thoughts. She demonstrated it with the help of Evan, a studio audience. They showed that this headset is very capable of transmitting the ideas that the neurons of the brain are creating into a physical hardware, in this case, the laptop. They also showed that with the proper concentration, you can move virtual objects. They showed how to pull the virtual box and make it disappear. The hardest trick is making the object disappear that is why they tried it a lot of times before they can completely make it disappear. Though the first few tries did not succeed, they were able to make some parts of the box disappear temporarily. You can also see in this video that if some things were made electronic, they can use the said headset to control it like the electronic wheel chair, the toy helicopter, the electronic curtains, and the lights. The electronic wheel chair can be controlled by your body language. When you smile, the electronic wheel chair then goes straight. If you blink with you right eye, it will go right. And if you blink with your left eye, it will go left (how cool is this wheel chair! But I do not dream of having to own one *gulp*). But I think that this has a disadvantage, what if some organizers sponsored a marathon for the people in a wheel chair, sure you have a big chance to win (around 80-95% chance of winning because you do not need to use your hands to move your wheel chair) but wouldn’t it be so painful after smiling for around 1 hour straight? Anyways, enough with the wheel chair stuff let us move on to the next one (before I can say things that can lead us far from our main topic). Next one is the toy helicopter; they use the headset to make it fly. They just need to think the word “lift” and presto it will fly. Thought some actions need time for the computer to interpret it (they said around 8 seconds it should already be done). The electronic curtain uses a special kind of software that helps the person draw it. This is same as through with the lights; the person should concentrate for it to turn on and off. Tan Le also said that this headset is used for gaming purposes, the games with virtual controllers. Well this is the end of the technologic explanation part now let us head for the scientific explanation of how it works.
She said that this headset works through the use of neurons in the brain. The neurons produce a spark that enables the headset to read it and interpret it. She also stated that we are still barely scratching the surface of this experiment and if we could continue this, there would be endless possibilities that could be created with accordance to this headset. Probably we could use this headset to work in our office without actually being there. Wouldn’t it be great if we humans could create such a device that could work flawlessly? Atlast, we reached the end of this day’s post. Once again, thank you for reading this. If you have any clarifications do not hesitate to leave a comment below.
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