Monday, September 20, 2010

Sex or Gender?

You know my mother always used to say that I should really listen carefully to the talks given by professionals especially these kinds of topics. You want to know why? It is because that these topics are very relevant to us high school students. Nowadays, teenage pregnancies are rampant and these talks with these topics can help us prevent and lessen teenage pregnancies especially in our school. But I have a request for the speakers. They should not give us only the talk, they should also give them to other high schools and other universities. It will be a big help to every high school and university in our city. They could be also a great help in our city to prevent and lessen the different kinds of criminal activities related to human sexuality like sexual abuse or molestation-is the forcing of undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another, rape-a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat, sexual harassment(I do not know if this is different with sexual abuse and molestation but what the heck it is still a crime right?) and many more. These are considered crimes not only because that it is a bad thing to do but also these crimes can result to trauma-an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects (for the victim), murder-unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being (for the person who committed the crime), suicide-a person who kills himself intentionally (also for the victim), and a lot more possible dangerous outcomes.(I do not know why I typed in the corresponding meaning of each term above but maybe only maybe it will help you understand the post more clearly.*just trying to help*). Anyways, murder in the sense that when the suspect did not get what he wants he will kill his victim. And suicide in the sense that if the suspect got away with what we wants the victim then realizes that her life is no longer useful because of the tragedy that happened to her. Back to the topic, human sexuality is a broad subject to discuss. I found out that it has three modes (who knew?!). But it seems that I already forgot it.  Let us move on, human sexuality does not only refer to pure sex. It also refers to the gender of the person. And according to the Holy Bible, God only created two sexes—the male and the female. But if I remember it correctly my religion teacher told us that gender is different from sex (I am not sure, really). Anyways if I am correct, there are four genders namely masculine, feminine, effeminate, and lesbians (I just wanted to share some information). I found out that the reasons why teenagers engage in premarital sex are the need for intimacy- teens who have suffered rejection and abuse from their parents and family usually strive to experience this primary need from others, usually from their boy/girlfriend, the need for belongingness- the desire to be accepted and understood is a strong need for deeply insecure teenagers, curiosity- this is the force that drives kids to experiment and experience anything for pleasure or fame, rebellion- unstable families breed rebellious teens and lastly a way to cope with stress- a teenager’s inability to cope with stress can easily transform into irresponsible behaviour with harmful consequences. And the excuses adolescents use to engage in premarital sex are 1.) Afraid s/he will lose the relationship 2.) Imagines “everyone is doing it” 3.) Wants to prove that he is a real man or that she is a real woman 4) thinks that s/he “owes” it to the other person 5.) Feels guilty for making the other person sexually excited 6.)  Feels pressured or intimidated 7.) Is curious 8.) Does not want to appear old fashioned or “square” 9.) Thinks it is the next step in the relationship 10.) seeks to gain affection and warmth 11.) Wants to “prove” love 12.) Thinks s/he will find security 13.) Can’t “help himself/herself”. That is only a few of them, there are a lot more. And if I will be the president of our country, I will implement a higher punishment to those who will disobey the law about human sexuality. I will remove bail, add more years in jail (about 20-30 years in prison if we total it), and implement community service. If you have a question feel free to ask and if you have comment or suggestion just leave a comment below . Thank you.

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